Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Today's Daily Word - Wednesday, February 11, 2009
World Peace
With hearts united in love, we bless our world and envision peace for all people.
There is a new world continually unfolding, and each day is one of renewed faith. With God as our all-knowing, ever-present partner, we act on divine guidance to further world peace.
One by one, right where we are, we take individual peace-centered actions that create a convergence of harmony. We are patient in traffic or in customer waiting lines. We are understanding of one another's feelings. We listen before offering our own input and suggestions. We contribute our time or material gifts to those in need of assistance. Each thought, word, and action is a demonstration of peace and harmony.
Throughout the world, with like-minded hearts and souls, we link our prayers and love to bless all people of the world.

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