Monday, November 26, 2007



The healing spirit of God is flowing throughout my body. I am healthy and strong.

In this moment of prayer and meditation, dear God, I am aware that Your spirit is flowing throughout my body. As a living, breathing expression of Your spirit in the world, I am whole and vitally alive. I am one of Your beloved creations, healthy and strong in mind and body. Immersed in Your spirit of love, I know that healing is taking place to the very depths of my being.
As I pray for others who need healing, I know that each one can experience total renewal through Your healing spirit. I visualize each one open and receptive to spiritual wholeness.

Thank You, God, for healing us in every needed way. We are healthy and strong.

"My child, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings For they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh." Proverbs 4:20, 22

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