Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pray for Others

Today's Daily Word - Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Pray for Others
Child of God, you are created to be whole and well.
My loving thoughts and affirmations for others are ways I pray for them, whether they are near or far away. The experience of praying and affirming good for others blesses me as well.
When a loved one is experiencing a health challenge, I affirm the truth about this person: You are a child of God, created to be whole and well.
When friends or loved ones achieve something wonderful--a promotion, an award, a degree--I celebrate with gratitude: Thank You, God. They are worthy to receive!
When I know that someone is feeling confused or stressful, I offer this assurance: You are never alone. God is your strength.
With each thought and affirmation for others, I send them my love and gratitude.
"Keep forever such purposes and thoughts in the hearts of your people, and direct their hearts toward you."--1 Chronicles 29:18

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Prayer from Unity

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to let you know about the wonderful letter that UKV just received from Unity.  

"To honor your loving spirits, we are dedicating April 30,2009 as a day to specifically bless you (Unity of Kanawha Valley) with heartfelt prayers.  Throughout the day, we will remember you during our prayer times, and your names will be read aloud during our 7:30 am Daily Word meeting held at the Silent Unity Chapel."

"You are a cherished member of the Unity family.  God's love is working in and through your life.  You are a blessing for our world."

The Unity Development Staff

Sky Kershner, 304-346-9689 x13
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling

The following are prayer requests for this week:
For Ric C and his spinal problems,
For Linda - may her health improve,
For Heidi,
For Julia S,
For Elizabeth - may God be with her,
For Ted s - for health, happiness, and healing,
For Daniel C & daughter, Sophia C concerning living in Mexico requested by Jeanne C,
For Sandy McC concerning the healing from an injury requested by Daphne C,
For Joe, Uncle Tony, and Joshua,
For Julie and Joe P concerning healing, love, forgiveness requested by Kim,
For Mike W concerning peace, acceptance, joy requested by Phyllis,
For Daniel C and family concerning the swine flu outbreak in Mexico requested by Ric and Jeanne C
For Kim and Ken R concerning moving into our home,
and For Eddie C and family - he called UKV and asked for prayers.

Sky Kershner, 304-346-9689 x13
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling

Monday, April 6, 2009

Jeff Hippler and all of his extended family to the prayer requests for this week.  His uncle passed away this morning.  He had been diagnosed with brain cancer two months ago.

  For the Chavez family-
Daniel & Sophie in Mexico and Jill, Tierra, & Amaya in Parkersburg- their hearts break to be separated- May God help them to be united the family that they long for.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I just received a prayer request from my son in Seattle.   "Taygen's dad, Troy, was seriously hurt this past Friday after being attacked by a group of guys outside a club downtown. He suffered a cardiac arrest and serious brain injury and has been in a coma since the incident."  Taygen is my seven year-old stepgrandson.  Please pray for healing for Troy, his extended family and my grandson, Taygen.
I am calling Silent Unity tonight.
Karen Sylvester