Tuesday, December 29, 2009

For Albert L concerning perfect health
For Ken & Kim concerning peace, love, prosperity
For Julie P concerning healing of broken elbow
For Ann and her mother and family
For K and her family

Monday, December 14, 2009

Dear God, I pray for a cure for cancer. Amen

For Mary and her father

Thursday, October 22, 2009

            For Sherrie R
            For Jerry G

Thursday, October 15, 2009

For Everett J
For "Titibell" L

For Steve H

Monday, October 12, 2009

prayer requests for the week of 10/5/09

      For Judy's sister,
      For Noah J
      For Becky K
      For Thelma
      For Judy C
      For Julie P
      For Ken & Kim R
      For Isabel
      For Elizabeth
      For Phyllis and Mike W
      For Kathy D
      For Caroline B
      For Nancy R

Sky Kershner, 304-346-9689 x13
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling
(The Jim Dent Dinner people)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Steve Hyer

Here is a photo of Steve

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

For Linda concerning a safe operation and speedy recovery,
and for Doug Dent concerning healing.

For Janet

For Susan

Monday, September 14, 2009

For Steve concerning a quick recovery from his surgery.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Daily Word
Today's Daily Word - Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I accept the abundance of God flowing to me and through me now.
The biblical land flowing with milk and honey represents spiritual abundance and freedom. It portrays a life overflowing with blessings, a life full of divine potential.
The truth is that I am living in a "land flowing with milk and honey" right here and right now. There is a constant flow of good in my life. My prosperity includes the assurance that wholeness, wisdom and strength are mine. Knowing this, I am bold in spirit. I am aware of my own divine potential for living the life of my dreams.
I accept the abundance of God that is always flowing to me and through me. I give and receive joyously and gratefully.
"He brought us into this place and gave us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey."--Deuteronomy 26:9

Sky Kershner, 304-346-9689 x13
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling

Monday, August 31, 2009

Bob S recently diagnosed with melanoma. 
Selena K for healing of multiple health problems.
Brian S who has been without work since Dec. 2008.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My brother in laws mother of 97 passed away Thursday morning. She was a church goer all her life and was active up untill 2 years ago. A wonderful woman. Her Obit should be in Sat"s paper. Viewing is Sunday 3 to 5 and funeral is Mon at 11;00 am at Bartlett Burdett cox. See you in church Sunday. Blue Thanks

Monday, August 24, 2009

            For Elizabeth,
            For Linda concerning health,
            For Linda's safe travels,
            For John Morrison recovering from cancer and had a bike wreck and is in WVU hospital.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

            For Robin, Terry, and Uncle Tony,

            I pray and breathe divine love, healing, and understanding for the direction in which my soul finds comfort and peace in Thursday's surgery.  Thank you God.  And all this and More!  Surgery 9:30am on Thursday, August 20th - unsigned,

            For JP,

            For Phil P

            For Kim and Ken

            For Kathy D

For Mike W


Monday, May 18, 2009

For Linda and better health,
For Elizabeth and Amanda - happiness and safe travels!
For Jamie

Monday, May 11, 2009

I would like to ask for prayers for our friends and neighbors, the H family.  S passed away on Friday from ovarian cancer.  Her daughter, A is my daughter's best friend.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pray for Others

Today's Daily Word - Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Pray for Others
Child of God, you are created to be whole and well.
My loving thoughts and affirmations for others are ways I pray for them, whether they are near or far away. The experience of praying and affirming good for others blesses me as well.
When a loved one is experiencing a health challenge, I affirm the truth about this person: You are a child of God, created to be whole and well.
When friends or loved ones achieve something wonderful--a promotion, an award, a degree--I celebrate with gratitude: Thank You, God. They are worthy to receive!
When I know that someone is feeling confused or stressful, I offer this assurance: You are never alone. God is your strength.
With each thought and affirmation for others, I send them my love and gratitude.
"Keep forever such purposes and thoughts in the hearts of your people, and direct their hearts toward you."--1 Chronicles 29:18

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Prayer from Unity

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to let you know about the wonderful letter that UKV just received from Unity.  

"To honor your loving spirits, we are dedicating April 30,2009 as a day to specifically bless you (Unity of Kanawha Valley) with heartfelt prayers.  Throughout the day, we will remember you during our prayer times, and your names will be read aloud during our 7:30 am Daily Word meeting held at the Silent Unity Chapel."

"You are a cherished member of the Unity family.  God's love is working in and through your life.  You are a blessing for our world."

The Unity Development Staff

Sky Kershner, 304-346-9689 x13
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling

The following are prayer requests for this week:
For Ric C and his spinal problems,
For Linda - may her health improve,
For Heidi,
For Julia S,
For Elizabeth - may God be with her,
For Ted s - for health, happiness, and healing,
For Daniel C & daughter, Sophia C concerning living in Mexico requested by Jeanne C,
For Sandy McC concerning the healing from an injury requested by Daphne C,
For Joe, Uncle Tony, and Joshua,
For Julie and Joe P concerning healing, love, forgiveness requested by Kim,
For Mike W concerning peace, acceptance, joy requested by Phyllis,
For Daniel C and family concerning the swine flu outbreak in Mexico requested by Ric and Jeanne C
For Kim and Ken R concerning moving into our home,
and For Eddie C and family - he called UKV and asked for prayers.

Sky Kershner, 304-346-9689 x13
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling

Monday, April 6, 2009

Jeff Hippler and all of his extended family to the prayer requests for this week.  His uncle passed away this morning.  He had been diagnosed with brain cancer two months ago.

  For the Chavez family-
Daniel & Sophie in Mexico and Jill, Tierra, & Amaya in Parkersburg- their hearts break to be separated- May God help them to be united again.....as the family that they long for.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I just received a prayer request from my son in Seattle.   "Taygen's dad, Troy, was seriously hurt this past Friday after being attacked by a group of guys outside a club downtown. He suffered a cardiac arrest and serious brain injury and has been in a coma since the incident."  Taygen is my seven year-old stepgrandson.  Please pray for healing for Troy, his extended family and my grandson, Taygen.
I am calling Silent Unity tonight.
Karen Sylvester

Monday, March 30, 2009

  For A and healing
            For Elizabeth - may God and his grace be with her,
            For Mother, Uncle Tony, and Joe,
            For prayers for healing for Julia S,
            For prayers for daughters - Julia and Jennifer,
            For Linda that she may heal quickly,
            For Julie & Joe P and kids concerning healing, peace, getting kids back, and love,
            For Kim R for peace, love, and prosperity,
            For Ken concerning quitting smoking, peace, and love.

Julia S concerning healing 

Message:: I have severe health problems and financial problems.Kindly keep me in your daily prayers that God may heal me and grant me financial blessing.Please help me through your prayers.
I am in a desperate situation.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

For Julia S

For Ric C
For H M

Monday, March 16, 2009

Fwd: prayer requests for the week of 3/16/09
The following are prayer requests placed in the prayer box yesterday:

For Jacob P concerning healing and health
For Charles S concerning health and comfort submitted
For Paul S for neauna and stress
For Cecily T concerning healing submitted
For Ryan H concerning healing and health issues
For all families dealing with grief and healing

Please send this prayer request out to everyone.  My 15 year old step granddaughter, Lauren Dunnanvant, has an appointment  to have her eyes checked by an opthalmologist on Tuesday 3-17th.  She is having blurred peripheral vision.  She lives in Sandusky, Ohio and is a great basketball player and cross country star.  Please keep her in your prayers.  Thank you so much.  Marianne

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My prayer request is for Bridgett M and her family.   She was driving on Saturday and a tree just fell on her car.  She has severe spinal cord injuries and is NICU at Charleston General.  She is a single mother with two teen age daughters.  Thank you.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Dear Friends and Family,

I so felt your prayers and healing thoughts during the past two days as I underwent a heart catheterization.  Although the cardiologist suspected that I had a blockage, he was surprised to discover that I actually had three!  One was 90% blocked, the other two were 70% blocked.  So, he inserted three stents.

I am go grateful that the anesthesiologist for my foot surgery last month suspected a possible problem from my pre-op EKG and told me to get a cardiology consultation!  The only symptom I ever exhibited was
shortness of breath during exertion.

My oldest daughter, Tasha, was able to come over from her home in Lexington, VA to be with me for which I am also extremely grateful!
She was actually allowed to come into the cath lab to see the pictures of the blockages and to help me decide whether to undergo stent treatment or bypass.  I definitely preferred to take the less-invasive option at this point.

Hopefully, by getting into the Dean Ornish Heart and Cardio Rehab
Program offered by the hospital here in Charleston, WV, I will be able to avoid having further problems.

Love, light and laughter,
Juanita Ruth One
Holding the World in the Light of Peace

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Gratitude for Beth and her newly regulated heart

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

For Kathy: peace and trust amidst stress and change

Monday, February 16, 2009

            For Scott and Amy G and family concerning divorce
            For Kim and Ken R concerning prosperity, getting ready to move,
            For Mary Elizabeth Perdue Thompson concerning peaceful passing submitted by Phyllis.

            For Kelly B concerning surgery,
            For Phyllis W mother submitted by Heidi,
            For health and happiness for my daughter, myself, and granddaughter wherver God directs me,
            For Elizabeth - may God's blessings be with her,
            For Clay L concerning cancer,
            For Austin L - Clay's brother,
            For Anne and Jeff L - Clay's parents.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Today's Daily Word - Wednesday, February 11, 2009
World Peace
With hearts united in love, we bless our world and envision peace for all people.
There is a new world continually unfolding, and each day is one of renewed faith. With God as our all-knowing, ever-present partner, we act on divine guidance to further world peace.
One by one, right where we are, we take individual peace-centered actions that create a convergence of harmony. We are patient in traffic or in customer waiting lines. We are understanding of one another's feelings. We listen before offering our own input and suggestions. We contribute our time or material gifts to those in need of assistance. Each thought, word, and action is a demonstration of peace and harmony.
Throughout the world, with like-minded hearts and souls, we link our prayers and love to bless all people of the world.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

            For G. Lusher, J.Burdette, and M.E. Burdette.

Monday, February 9, 2009

For Phyllis Wilcox and her family, her mother is now at Hospice in Huntington

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Message:: hi everyone i am asking God to help us get a good job this march,i
need everyones prayers,please help us with your prayer, because the tension
is too much for us we have a two years old boy we are taking care off. thank
you very much.

Loving Kindness Meditation

Loving Kindness Meditation

May I be well, happy and peaceful.
May no harm come to me,
May my difficulties not last long,
May I have a calm, centered mind.
May I know peace and love in my heart.

May I have patience, insight, courage and compassion in meeting and overcoming the inevitable challenges, difficulties and failures in life.

May my parents be well ...
May my teachers be well ...
May my family members and relatives be well ...
May my friends and acquaintances be well ...
May my enemies and those with whom I have trouble communicating be well ...
May indifferent persons be well happy and peaceful...
May all beings, with form and without form,visible and invisible, near and far, born or coming to birth be well ...

Friday, February 6, 2009

            For affirming that my left foot surgery on Feb. 4th goes smoothly and quickly heals

            For the safe return from his 3rd Iraq tour of duty of my only nephew, Master Sargent Roland Huson due to return to USA sometime this month

            Prayers for the Chavez family - Daniel and Jill, parents, and Tierra, Sophia, Amaya, children as they make decisions about living in Mexico and the US

            I ask for support to know that ALL IS WELL.  Divine mind has orchestrated everything for working together in perfect HARMONY.  My business sells easily and my website becomes a wonderful, informative vehicle for WONDROUS things.  It supports me very well.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

For the Ministry of Jim and Diana Horn (past attenders at UKV)

Jim is working with a new nursing school here at Kapsowar Hospital. He
is helping to make some changes to a much needed nursing program and
doing his best to not offend anyone. ;0) I am volunteering at a little
local Christian school and working with 4 & 5 year olds. They are SO
poor, but very bright. We will be here until the beginning of April. We
are sent thru Samaritan's Purse to be here. The invitation came from some
old friends of ours who have been here for about 10 years. Thanks for
asking.  Hello to all. God bless.  diana 

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

 For Elizabeth - May God's blessings be with her.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Today's Daily Word - Monday, January 12, 2009
Making a Difference
I am contributing to a better day and a brighter world for all.
I appreciate and give thanks for the many people who have touched my life. They have made a difference in the direction my path has taken. Through their words and actions, friends, teachers, family members, even strangers have enriched my life and provided me with models to emulate.
The gift of such exemplary people has blessed me and encouraged me to be mindful of the ways I impact the lives of those around me. How I speak and behave in the presence of both children and adults can be a positive influence. I contribute to a better day and a brighter world for all.
My prayer-filled thoughts, the words I speak, and the gifts of kindness I give are small steps. Combined with those of others, they contribute to an expanding consciousness of divine possibilities for our world.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Prayer list for the week of 1/5/08

      The following are prayers that were placed in the prayer box yesterday:
            For Alison for dermoid ovarian cyst,
            For Jabez concerning an eye accident,
            For Charlotte concerning an ongoing illness,
            For Elizabeth for God's blessing,
      and For Malva Huson Brown (Juanita Ruth One's mother) to have a quick, peaceful, painless transition as she desires.