Monday, December 15, 2008

Re: prayer request

For the family of Shawn B

Re: prayer requests for the week of 12/14

For Brian concerning a prayer for prosperity in all areas.  He has just lost his job.  Open him to God's love.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Pray for Others

Today's Daily Word - Friday, December 12, 2008
Pray for Others
God is working wonders in my life and the lives of others.
When the needs of another come to my attention, I pray, affirming that help is available and answered prayer is even now evident in this person's life. In the light of understanding, I am free of any belief that might interfere with the perfect expression of health, wealth, and peace.
Through the presence of God, we each have unlimited inner resources of wisdom and strength. I acknowledge that everyone for whom I pray has the power of God within. I envision them living their lives from divine guidance and with understanding that is continually deepening.
With faith in the transformative power of God, I affirm: A perfect outcome is happening concerning your every condition and circumstance. The power of God is working wonders in your life.
"Do not fear. Only believe, and she will be saved."--Luke 8:50

Thursday, December 11, 2008

For Janie

prayer requests for the week of 12/8/08

            For Katie M concerning guidance and wisdom,
            For Lester K concerning in a car accident and needs healing prayers,
            and For my family (unsigned).

Monday, December 1, 2008

            Health for my loved ones and strength and faith for myself. Please God.
            For W concerning finding her way
            and For J concerning her mental & physical health

Thursday, November 20, 2008

For our church
For I know all inspirations of joy and abundance perfectly manifest as I gently and peacefully surrender to the perfect mind of God/love.  Amen.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

For Marion King on the loss of her husband (Bud)  
For Debra and Clay concerning perfect healing 

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Lifting Melissa up with prayers for safety, perfect health and happiness

My co-worker and friend, Charlotte, and her daughter Dee.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

For our members and friends undergoing surgery this week.

For healing, health, and wholeness.

For full recovery.

For the good and prosperity of all our members and the community.

For peace.

For safety.

Friday, September 26, 2008

New life, creative expression of helping others

I am healthy and thank God for love’s support in my life; the light and joy of perfect health radiates within.

Thank you for the beautiful dog that’s come into my life.

I learn and celebrate the many ways love expresses in my life.

Peggy’s mother for safe crossing into the light.

Gratitude and appreciation for blessings and lessons of this week. So be it!

My focus on my spirit, Bill, Sylvia, Nancy, Buddy, my sister, my children and family, Darlene, Teddy, Dee’s good health

Thank you, God.

Please hold up Mary Caldwell, Peggy Gunter, Gloria Sage, Jeanne Cochran and all our Unity friends.

Please hold up my family and keep us safe in job travels and job security.

Kim’s septic system, Peggy for comfort. Thank you Jo.

Peggy and her family and her mother

Direction for our church in determining & pursuing our highest good

Happy week!

Thank you for the blessing of my family in prayer of thankfulness.

Peggy’s mother, Kiva’s success, Jeanne’s father, Willem’s new found success, my success

Thank you!!! For monetary relief, health, children adjusting well to school and friends.

Loving moving

Peg Garrett

Family peace

Peggy, mother, Joe, Uncle Tony, Dennis, family, Ron/brother, David/brother

Storm victims

Teresa – healing for bone marrow problems.

Prosperity for members at UKV

Anna Maria Lavander in New York City

Federal government

Andrea – prayers for hope

Kim – good job

Thank you, ’Gurstie (recovering)

Dad Selbe – prostate surgery, Kyle & Sonya’s new life together

My father passed away on 8/26/08. I ask for prayers to always be aware of his spirit in me. And for comfort and peace for my mom (Marion King) who was his constant companion for 57 years – Jeanne King Cochran

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My son is interviewing today at 11 at a local radio station for a spot as a roving street reporter - he actually would be great at that.  I'm asking for prayer support for him in finding and getting a part time job.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Prayers for Peggy Gunter
and her mother, Loretta,
and her family
(brother Chuck not pictured)
Posted by Picasa
Thanks for passing along prayer requests. Ric and I will certainly be praying for Peggy and Mary's mothers.

I also would like to ask for prayers for my family, especially my mother, Marion King. My dad passed away two weeks ago.

Today, I learned that my 4-year old grandaughter, Sophia Chavez, will likely have to have surgery at the Childrens Hospital in Morgantown. An artery is wrapped around her esophagus, and she is having difficulty swallowing. More tests need to be done, but the doctors have told my daughter and her husband to prepare for surgery. Unless the situation becomes worse, the surgery will not happen until late October.

Thanks for caring!

Jeanne Cochran
Hello everyone,
I have several important prayer requests to pass along. Please put Peggy Gunter's mother and Mary Caldwell's mother in your prayers. Both ladies are in the hospital.
Peggy's family has been called to be with their mother. She has declined surgery.
Mary's mother fell and broke her hip. Mary's father is upset and confused.

Please keep these wonderful families in your prayers. Also remember that Thursday is the beginning of the 11 days of prayer for Unity's Day of Prayer.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

World Day of Prayer

Evan- in Iraq

Wendy – TN healing

Brian –VT guidance

Obama – guidance


Reveal to my perfect job

Replace impatience

Pray for Sally’s health & healing

Pray for our country

Strength to Lowell

Larry – guidance comfort

My mother is on oxygen

Pray for my mother-in-law who had recently had a stroke

My son who has Crohn’s

Husband who kept back problems

I release my fears and concerns surrounding work and changes


Mom Mom

I pray for healing and lots of peace for my daughter, Emily

Thank you for abundance in all. Support my desires though our relationship of love.

Thank you God for new life, whole & free.

Giving and receiving in love.

Joe’s healing


Unity Church


For work and all the people at work

Letting go of what I want, accepting what it. Getting trailer ready to move in.

Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude for blessings and lessons

Grateful for a new start with employment

New friends, old friends, love

Keeping our promises

Please help Bruno be happy and safe.

Grandma Betty

I ask for more peace and more sleep

Thank you God for blessing our family with the miracle of life.

Left out

I pray for healing of my body to perfect health

Gratitude, progress not perfection, love, peace, gratitude

Thank you for Mom’s successful cancer surgery

Chronic illness, no health care, abusive relationship

Pray for Michael’s peace

My solution to scheduling conflicts

I pray for help in the relief of stress and worry

Kim & Josh for peace and harmony

For Charlie’s skin problems



My family

Silvia & children





Sister’s safety

My father’s spirit

Thank you

Burdette Family

UKV vision

Judy H – healing the past

My home

My job

My life with God

Pray for my son and his wife, granddaughter

Let me have a healthy baby

Reassure Adam that everything will be okay

Prosperity for Louis

Prosperity for Phil

Wisdom, guidance, peace

Strength for Rachel

Joy for Pamela

Safety for Spohia

Contentment for David

Friday, September 5, 2008

Michael Wilcox Dad Anna

Amy Connelly Anna Cavender family

Melissa Wilcox Tommy Ray Christian

Dave Connelly Sis

Mary E Thompson Gerie Ann

Sharon Nicholas Ces

Marsha Stewart JP

Larry Thompson Jay

Sylvia Thompson Lynn Thomas

Bill Stewart Iara Lavendar

Danny Stewart George Lavendar

Tyler Ball Ana Maria Lavendar

Danny Ball Gary Kendall

Chris Fulton Monique

Jennifer Harlow Sandy Rishers

Julia Chambers Luera Mallet Soures

Loretta Keas Tyler Mallet Soures

Terry Reasoner Michael Allenger

Presidental campaign Elizabeth Allenger

Barack Obama Caroline Blevins

Joe Biden Carol Brown

Melissa Casto Tiara Brown

Barbara Morton Mindy Allenger

Bill Ross Brenda

Pam Lynn Judy Hamilton

Sandra Schindler Unity of Kanawha Valley

Zachary Ihnat Christy Schwartz

Hannah Ihnat everybody!

Nicholas Ihnat people in war torn countries

Eric Ihnat hungry in spirit and body

Tracy Ihnat family @ Bayer Cropscience

Heidi Miers Loretta Kees for healing

Kurt Miers Michelle for perfect healing

Curtis Miers Jim for peace & divine guidance

Kathy Johnson Richard

Kennie Boyles Christopher

Roxi Nancy

Baby Trish

Gustle Cathy Pantuso

Charles Eric Chapman

Kyle Becky Kelly

Sonya clients of Freedom

Jan Mark

Tom Judy Chapman

Debbie Sherry Rock

With God, all things are possible. Love and forgiveness and wholeness for God’s children here and everywhere.


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Laura Ellis and her father Bill.

Monday, June 2, 2008


Hi Sky!  Would you please pray for my granddaughter and pass this request on to our church family?

My granddaughter, Amaya Chavez, who is 9 months old, has a large mass in her bowel, that they hope is just matter that hasn't passed.  The x-ray also revealed that one hip is smaller than the other. They are doing more tests today, but the doctor has indicated surgery may be required.  Please pray for my daughter, Jill, as well.  She's quite distraught at the moment. 

Thank you so much!

Jeanne Cochran

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

            For Staff Sargent Ro Huson on his third tour in Iraq, and
            For Jose Angel Cangiano who had a massive stroke two weeks ago in Puerto -Rico.  We ask for the Lord to restore his health.  He is a wonderful person submitted by Carmen and Rigo.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Please send  prayers to Charlotte Abell to all members.   Some may know her as an astrological consultant and workshop leader  who has been to Charleston many times and maintains contact with a number of people here.  She just went through triple by-pass surgery and is now home doing good.  Her address is 3934 Baker Road, Westminster, MD 21157 or  Many thanks.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Fwd: prayer request

Hello everyone,

            I just off the phone with Peggy.  She would like to request prayers for her mother.  She is currently in CAMC General.  She has been in there since Monday.  The doctors have drained fluid.  She is feeling better and may be released tomorrow.

            I would also like to thank everyone for all your prayers for my son, Derek.  His surgery went well today.  The cyst that the doctor removed was about 1 inch in diameter and blocking the back of his sinuses.  He's doing well just tired.

                        Thank you so much,


Sky Kershner
304-346-9689 x13

Kanawha Pastoral Counseling
a place for healing and hope
... for everyone.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Fwd: prayer requests for the week of 5/11/08

            For perfect love and harmony with Calvin, Wiley & Ruthie
            For Patrick,
            For Mark Collins and family,
            For Trish for direction,
            For Jim & Michelle for a new home,
            For Nancy for direction,
            For Brian concerning health,
            For Craig concerning peace,
            For Ann concerning love & forgiveness,
            For Greg Trimble concerning emotional & physical healing submitted by Ida Trimble,
            For Charlotte Sahley, Karen Clendenim, Nancy Turley, & Martha Simmons,
            For Sabrina concerning grief and move,
            For Larry Ausin concerning facing surgery, criminal suit, flooded basement, house sold, and car repossessed,
            For Lowell Austin who is worried about his father, needs good job,
            For Linda Austin concerning love, job, and soulmate.
            For Wes Ryan, Don Ryan, Bobby Johnson, & Meghan Sanders.
            For hope for Jeanne's continued healing!

Please keep the following people in your prayers for God's highest good.  They are facing serious health challenges in the coming days and weeks: My brother Larry T, sisters Marsha S and Sharon N, our daughter Melissa and of course, Mike.

Friday, May 9, 2008

For Joe for healing of heart and liver,

For Sabrina for upcoming decisions and for family,

For Greg Trimble for emotional healing and for Ida's fears for him,

For Charlotte Sahley, Al Sahley, and Melissa Casto,

For Eric Chapman, trip to Atlanta, Phil Ann, Anna Payne, Ray Christin, Cole Amos,

For Andrea's mom concerning good health,

For Ellen concerning the healing of a knee,

For Diana for perfect healing,

For Miguel, my enlightment continues, healing, and friendships,

For David and Cory,

For the health and healing of Lorraine Danbury,

For Malva Brown's health,

For Christy, Amanda, David, Jonathan, and Jennifer Coberly

For Liz Sarkar and her 3 year old daughter, Isabella

For the families of the soldiers in the wars,

For Alex, wisdom, peace, money, occupation, and family,

For gratitude for my daughter, Jennifer Harlow's perfect healing from breast cancer by Terry Reasoner,

For gratitude for all the blessings in my life, especially my spiritual family at UKV. 
I've had some wonderful miracles come my way in the path of wellness! 
Please keep me on the prayer list as I have one more chemo and some radiation to finish.
Diana C

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

For Marjorie S, who is ill submitted by Sharon,
For Suanne G, her mother's caretaker submitted by Sharon,
For Charlotte S, for healing from emphysema and pneumonia submitted by Marianne

Anyone who would like to hold my sister up in prayer, please do!  Marsha is undergoing surgery on Thursday for a hysterectomy and to remove an ovarian cyst.  We want her surgery to go perfectly, her recovery to be pain-free and speedy, and the outcome of this procedure to be perfect health.  Marsha is one of the kindest most beautiful people on the face of this Earth, and my dearest friend.  Please send lots of loving thoughts her way.
May God's greatest blessings be yours today!
Love, Phyllis

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Kanawha Pastoral Counseling - April 2008

[Counseling Hope]
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling Center
Charleston, West Virginia    

Communication Workshops

KPCC is promoting the skills of better relationships by presenting a series of classes and workshops designed to help people practice the skills of respectful negotiation.
  • Couples Communication class starting Thursday May 4, at KPCC, lead by Sky Kershner
  • Compassionate Communication class starting Wednesday morning, April 30, at The Folded Leaf in the South Hills Shopping Cente, lead by Sky Kershner (
  • Non-violent Communication workshop at the WV Social Work Conference on April 24, lead by Rose Ann Hefner, Diana Masso, Ann Martin, and Sabrina Rollins
  • Pick-up Practice Session, the 4th Thursday of every month, at KPCC, hosted by Rose Ann Hefner
For more information on KPCC's Compassionate Communication Program please go to our webpage:

April can be a difficult month.
It is counter-intuitive, but statistically, more people commit suicide in the Spring in North America than in any other time of year. Sometimes thoughts and feelings that have been brooding over the long winter months take shape in abrupt and sometime irrevocable actions. We encourage people to talk over these kinds of impulses with a trusted friend or counselor. Changes in the Spring can be good, especially if it is the service of bringing more life to oneself and others.

Pete Dye Nationwide Golf Classic Charity Event
KPCC is a community charity for this event. If you are plan to go and to buy tickets please use on of our order forms. Your contributions go to our Client Sponsorship Fund. In 2007 we helped over 1000 individuals, couples, and families, most of whom had no insurance or other health care resources. For more information on this event, click here:

Hold that date
The Jim Dent Dinner 2008 will be on Tuesday Oct 16 at 6pm, featuring humorist Jeff Allen.

Thank you
To our many supports and sponsors. We could not do the work we do without you!

Counselor Counseling Hope

We reach out to all persons
by providing faith-sensitive counseling
at an affordable cost.

We help ordinary people
deal with extraordinary circumstances.

We help people have better relationships
with themselves and with others.


Our counselors are
positive, available, accepting, and helpful.
We listen to our clients.

Our Services

Counseling        Coaching       Crisis Recovery        Compassionate Communication

a quiet presence for more than 35 years
and now an accredited Samaritan Counseling Center

Unsubscribe me from this mailing list

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Please say prayers for my dear sister, Marsha.  She is having a hysterectomy and a tumor removed next Thursday.  She should find out about a biopsy report this Friday. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dear friends,
Please remember a young woman, Sarah Young, and her family in your prayers.  She is the granddaughter of Ernie White, but seems more like a daughter, as he and his wife practically raised her. Ernie works for Elco, and he does a lot of their work at Kanawha Church.  He is also a retired Baptist minister.
Sarah gave birth to her fourth child, a girl, five days ago,and now has TTP, which is, as he explained to me,a rare blood disease/disorder that occurs in 1 to 3 of a million, and the survival rate is about 8%.  Ernie and his wife took the newborn home with them yesterday. Sarah is in ICU at CAMC General. 
Please pray for my family, especially for my son. His name is Abe. He is 26 and
very emotionally troubled. He has much going for him, too...but seems to be very
plagued by constant mood swings and self loathing. He's trying to cut his father
and me out of his life, but we love him dearly and believe God can heal our
family. Thank you.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Shelly M, a school teacher, is in hospital with advanced melanoma involving lungs and brain.  Please ask our Unity Family to include her in prayers for healing and wellness, freedom from pain.
Thank you,

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Cindy and her father

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Terry Reasoner concerning her gratitude for her daughter's healing,
Greg Trimble concerning healing from his accident requested by Ida,
& for Jennifer Trimble concerning emotional healing requested by Ida.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

From a UKV member:

For our family, and especially our ability to be loving parents


Hello everyone,
      I would like to submit a prayer request for Allison Graley.  Allison is my neighbor that just turned 6 last week.  She is undergoing brain surgery this morning at University of Virginia.  She has a tumor on her pituary gland.  Surgery is to remove the tumor.  I know that today is going to be a very long day for her family.  She has an older sister and a baby sister.  Allison's only concern on Monday was that the doctors were going to have to shave her hair and she wasn't happy about that!
            Please keep Allison and her family in your prayers.
                  Thank you so much
                        Pam Hippler

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Please join with me in prayer for the right and perfect job for my
husband Ken ~  Many Blessings'Sherry

Cole B a five year old that was just diagnosed with muscular dystrophy
Sharon M his grandmother
Cathy C

Monday, March 3, 2008

For Elizabeth concerning prosperity,
For Greg Trimble concerning his injuries from his accident in August especially his eyes and left hand submitted by Ida,
For Cathy Chandler, Jackie Rhodes, Bob Chandler & family concerning chronic life-threatening illnesses and family stress submitted by Carey Harlan (daughter & granddaughter).

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

For Jerry Grady

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

For Janet C concerning healing

For K D concerning the complete recovery after falling 40 feet while working on a tree

For Craig Sylvester (Karen's son) concerning problems after returning home from Iraq requested by Marianne.  
For Jennifer Harlow (daughter of Terry Reasoner) concerning chemo therapy (breast cancer survivor) requested by Terry

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Prayer Request for my Dad

My Dad was moved from Thomas Hospital to Hubbard Hospice House today.  Sky came up to meet with my family.  Dad is unconscious.  I know most of you are praying for my family because I can feel your presence.  Please continue to do so.  I will keep Sky informed as events unfold and he has my permission to pass the news along.
Love to all,
For Connie R in Sissonville, and all women who live in under threat and in fear.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

For Craig, who got back from Iraq recently

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

For Tim, who is out of work and has three children.

Friday, February 8, 2008

For Ken concerning a new job, peace, prosperity
For Ray
For Julie and Ted  concerning health, prosperity, and love

Friday, February 1, 2008

For Mike, in the hospital with breathing problems, from Phyllis
I just wanted to thank everyone for all your prayers.  Jeff received his official letter last Thursday.  He is employed until 4th quarter of 2009 then he'll receive his severance package.  It is all that we hoped and prayed for!  Hopefully, we'll have two out of the three kids out of college by then!  The letter said that everything is subject to change but that's the plan as of last week.

Thank you so much for all your prayers!  You don't know how much it means to me!

Pam H

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

For Jennifer H concerning going through chemotherapy for breast cancer requested by Terry Reasoner (her mother).

Saturday, January 26, 2008

From Linda ,
for help in dealing with family and ex-family
and operating from a place of love.

For Ruth and Scott
at the loss of their 15 year old daughter.
May light perpetual shine upon her.

Monday, January 21, 2008

For Darrell W concerning health
For Nancy T concerning her constant pain
For Melissa C concerning her health

For Diana concerning health decisions

Monday, January 14, 2008

Requests from UKV Kids

The following are prayer requests were submitted by the children. 
            For a clean house.
            For Grandpa to come visit Dad.  He promises to visit and Dad misses him.
            For Mrs. Campbell to not have so much physical pain.
            For Grandpa and Grandma so that they will be healthy.
            For Addalie to get better grades.

Recent Requests

For Ted F concerning receiving help, a home, healing, love & prosperity submitted by Kim,
For Julie P concerning prosperity, strength, and love submitted by Kim,
For Ken R concerning finding the perfect job submitted by Kim,
For Sallie S (Linda's sister), who needs help interacting with relatives from a place of love, compassion, and wisdom.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Pray for Others

Pray for Others
We are living, breathing expressions of God's spirit.
Praying for another person is a sacred honor. With a love that originates from the Spirit of God within, I offer this prayer:
"Dear God, I pray for loved ones and myself, knowing that it is Your spirit that energizes us and Your wisdom that guides us. In heart and mind, we are one with You; we go about being perfect expressions of Your light in the world.
"Created and sustained by Your love, dear God, I affirm that Your right and perfect will is being fulfilled in our lives and that Your guidance is directing our every thought and activity.
"You are our source of faith, love, courage, health, and every other divine quality that we, as Your children, are capable of expressing. God, we are giving expression to Your spirit this day and every day."
"I will put my spirit within you, and you shall live."—Ezekiel 37:14
Peggy and her parents

Thursday, January 10, 2008

For Ruth and Scott
at the loss of their 15 year old daughter.
May light perpetual shine upon her.

Monday, January 7, 2008

From Linda A,  for help in dealing with family and ex-family and operating from a place of love.